Learn and Sing
Around the World

Can you learn a language through music?
Of course, you can!
Here we are!
You can take music with you to listen to anywhere, can't you?
Let's look for songs that you love, and you’ll take almost all the endeavor out of learning those songs.
Music will pin in your brain. Brilliant!
You’ll be understanding and speaking your target language more like native speakers in less time than you would with some other study methods.
Let's try, shall we?

“The piano keys are black and white
but they sound like a billion billion colors in my heart and soul.”
by Michioflavia
Sonatine is a piano work written by Maurice Ravel. Although Ravel wrote in his autobiography that he wrote the sonatina after his piano suite Miroirs, it seems to have been written between 1903 and 1905.
He most likely referred to the dates he finished both of the works.