The Life in the United Kingdom test is a computer-based test constituting one of the requirements for anyone seeking Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK or naturalization as a British citizen.
It is meant to prove that the applicant has sufficient knowledge of British life and sufficient proficiency in the English language. The test is a requirement under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. It consists of 24 questions covering topics such as British values, history, traditions and everyday life.
The test has been frequently criticized for containing factual errors, expecting candidates to know information that would not be expected of native-born citizens as well as being just a "bad pub quiz" and "unfit for purpose".
Source: Life in the UK Test 3rd Edition
1) What term arose after the evacuation of 300,000 people from the beaches?
a. D-Day
b. The Blitz spirit
c. The British spirit
d. The Dunkirk spirit
2) Who is known as William the Conqueror?
a. William, the Duke of Lion
b. William, the Duke of France
c. William, the Duke of Normandy
d. William, the Duke of Edinburgh
3) Who established the Church of England?
a. Henry VII
b. Henry VIII
c. The Pope
d. St George
4) Which of the following is part of the UK?
a. Canada
b. St Helena
c. Scotland
d. Channel Islands
5) What is the capital of Wales?
a. Cardiff
b. Belfast
c. London
d. Edinburgh
6) Which tribes invaded Britain after the Romans had left?
a. The Celtics
b. The Vikings
c. The Normans
d. The Jutes and the Anglo-Saxons
7) Why was Mary Known as Bloody Mary?
a. She killed her mother
b. She put her brother in prison
c. She persecuted Protestants
d. She fought in numerous battles
8) What is the Divine Right of Kings?
a. Reduced the power of the King
b. Reduced the power of the nobles
c. The King was Appointed by God
d. Increased power of the parliament
9) Who built the Tower of London?
a. Henry VII
b. Henry VIII
c. Oliver Cromwell
d. William the Conqueror
10) How old do you have to be to buy a lottery ticket or a scratch card?
a. 17
b. 16
c. 15
d. 18
Kings & Queens
of the British Isles

Roman conquest of Britain
The Roman conquest of Britain was a gradual process, beginning in AD 43 under Emperor Claudius and being largely completed by 87 when the Stanegate was established as the northern frontier.
The Roman army was generally recruited in Italia, Hispania, and Gaul. To cross the English Channel they used the newly formed Classis Britannica fleet equipped with Mediterranean war galleys, which were much thicker in wood and more stable on rough waters.
The Romans under their general Aulus Plautius first forced their way inland in several battles against British tribes, including the Battle of the Medway, the Battle of the Thames, and in later years the Battle of Caer Caradoc against Caratacus and the Battle of Mona in Anglesey. Following a general uprising in AD 60 in which Boudicca sacked Camulodunum, Verulamium and Londinium, the Romans suppressed the rebellion in the Battle of Watling Street.
They went on eventually to push as far north as central Caledonia in the Battle of Mons Graupius. Even after Hadrian's Wall was established as the border, tribes in Scotland and northern England repeatedly rebelled against Roman rule and forts continued to be maintained across northern Britain to protect against these attacks.