Case Study
DMAIC is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve procedures.
1) Define the knot, reorganization activity, opportunity for improvement, the project aims, and customer (internal and external) requirements.
Project charter to define the focus, boundary, aspect, and instigation for the reorganization team
Value stream map to procure an overview of an total procedure, analyzing what is required to meet customer needs
Voice of the customer to comprehend feedback from current and future customers indicating offerings that fulfill, pleasure, and displease them
2) Measure process handling.
Procedure chart for recording the activities performed as part of a method
Efficacy analysis to evaluate the ability of a process to meet fixations
Pareto chart to analyze the piquancy of problems or motives
3) Analyze the process to set root causes of modification and poor performance.
Foundation cause analysis to uncover causes
Defeat mode and fruits analysis for identifying the capable product, service, and system defeats
Multi-various map to foresee different types of strangeness within a procedure
4) Improve procedure performance by addressing and eliminating the foundation causes.
Design of experiments (DOE) to modify problems from manifold procedures or systems where there are many determinants influencing the outcome and where it is unimaginable to confine one factor or variant from the others
Kaizen event to guide speedy change by focusing on a limited project and using the concepts and breathing of the people who do the work
5) Control the improved procedure and future process execution.
Quality control plan to document what is needed to maintain an improved procedure at its present moment level
Statistical process control (SPC) for monitoring process behavior.
* SPC is a method of quality control that employs statistical methods to monitor and control a procedure. This helps to approve that the system operates efficiently, producing more specification-conforming products with less wastrel.

The term 5S comes from five Japanese words:
Seiri Sort
Seiton Set in order
Seiso Shine
Seiketsu Standardize
Shitsuke Sustain
5S began as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), the manufacturing process begun by leaders at the Toyota Motor Company in the early and mid-20th century.
This method often referred to as Lean manufacturing in the West, shoots to increase the value of products or services for customers. This is often attained by finding and eliminating waste from production procedures.
5S interlaces assessing everything present in a space, removing what's unnecessary, managing things logically, performing housekeeping jobs, and keeping this cycle going. Organize, clean and repeat.

What is the 7Ps Marketing Mix?
The marketing mix is a familiar marketing strategy tool, which was traditionally limited to the core 4Ps of Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
The 7Ps of marketing comprise of:
Integrated toolset for SEO, blogging, social media, website, email and lead intelligence tools.
Directors speak at events, webinars, useful guides that are amplified by SEO and effective with SEO. PPC Social media advertising, e.g. LinkedIn.
Subscription-based monthly, Software-As-Service model based on number of contacts in database and number of users of the service.
Online! Network of Partners, Country User Groups.
Investment in online services.
More sales staff are now involved in conversion.
Physical evidence
Consistent branding across communications.

Blue ocean strategy is the concurrent profession of differentiation and low cost to open up a new market area and establish new demand.
It is about building and capturing uncontested market areas, whereby making the contention impertinent. It is based on the scene that market boundaries and industry fabric are not a given and can be reconstructed by the actions disposal and beliefs of industry players.