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Case Study

Sep 21, 2021

“Your mind is an excellent piece of equipment and when you are able to pat into its power and put your point towards what you want to succeed, anything is indeed possible.” Michioflavia


  1. helps forfend of brain deterioration

  2. builds your vocabulary

  3. develop the skills of your future

  4. absorb a lot of great things to you

  5. could help you make a living longer


  1. reduce exhaustion

  2. improve contemplation and mood

  3. lower your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate

  4. reduce anger and destruction or frustration

  5. reduce muscle stress and chronic pain

by The UVV Music Language by Teacher Michioflavia


  1. Meditation improves cognizance

  2. Meditation accumulates empathy

  3. Meditation is a natural stress stabilizer

  4. Meditation increases minding by inducing a state of flow

  5. Meditation promotes sensational health and well-being

It doesn’t matter what threats ahead if you can eat today, relish today, merge great cheer with your family, friends today, enjoy it, and bless God for it.”



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